Hey look, it's ME!!

Yup, there I am. I really hate having my picture taken, but since I need to do an "introductory post" for my class, I sucked it up and put on my big girl panties.  I'm so used to just ranting and raving here that I'm not sure what to do! Ok, how about a short bio:

Hi, I'm Andrea Walser. I'm married to the most amazing man. We've been married for three years and we live in Missouri with our two dogs, Newton (black lab mix) and Dory (no one knows what she is!). I had previously been married for 16 years and I have four wonderful children. Three I gave birth to and one that I raised since she was 6. My current husband has a beautiful daughter who is too cute for words. The oldest of the kids has blessed me with three grandbabies. Ok, only one is still a baby, the other two will be 8 & 9 next month.

Let's see.... Up until 2 1/2 years ago I work as a restaurant manager. I loved my job and of course the pay was great.  Unfortunately I became disabled in 2013.  In addition to neck, back and shoulder issues, I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Depression and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  I started crafting as a way to stay busy. I discovered jewelry making and it soon became a passion. After family and friends "pushed me", I began to sell my items. I first started on Etsy, but since I can build a website and hated paying someone else a fee for promotion, I started my own site this past January. 

I'm lucky that I'm able to also use my business to help others. I have a line of pet related items and I donate the profits to local shelters and rescues. My latest endeavor is starting a foundation where I can help kids,pre-teens, teens and young adults with self-esteem issues, anti-bullying and other issues.  I want to be able to hold activities and events locally with speakers but also donate to other like causes around the world.

So, there I am! Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.  Tomorrow (Monday) I will have my regular blog post with some cool information for you all!

Until Next Time...



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