It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like.... Thanksgiving!

Bet you thought the title was going to say It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas didn't you?

I must rant a little about my biggest pet peeve. I really dislike when stores and businesses start selling/promoting a holiday when there's still 2-3 other large holidays coming up! We haven't reached Thanksgiving, but before it was even Halloween stores had Christmas items!  It's a shame that society allows all these holidays to become commercialized to the point of people forgetting the true meaning of said holidays.

Now that being said, I do love Christmas and decorating BUT I wait until the day AFTER Thanksgiving. From stores opening on Thanksgiving to the "Black Friday" deals that end up causing fights and worse at major big box stores, one of my favorite holidays gets overlooked. I always loved Thanksgiving and getting together with my family, enjoying good food and great stories. It was a time to be together and share memories.

So, you will not see a blog post about Christmas until after Thanksgiving! End of my rant :)


New Items - Here's a peek of the newest items that are available in the web shop. We offer layaway now, so you can order all your gifts and pay a little at a time! And how about a great coupon? That's below too!

Carnelian Earrings
Let It Be Necklace

Copper Rose Ring

Until Next Time...



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