Ack, is that what I sound like?

What a strange blog title isn't it? Well, once you read my second to last blog post for my Social Media class, you'll understand! But first some important breaking news from the world of Bella Ornamenti...

Ok before the breaking news, a reminder about the online benefit auction for our organization, the Be a #BellaOriginal Foundation Inc. The auction ends tomorrow night (9/28 at 8 pm central time). There are so many great items to bid on from jewelry to a guitar lesson! All proceeds go to help us with our anti-bullying programs. Just head to our Facebook page and the auction album is pinned to the top!

Now for the "breaking news"! - Coming October 1 is our newly designed web site and we'll be offering Layaway through the holidays. Be sure to check on the 1st!


So, on to the title of this blog post. As part of my class I have to record a podcast. I've done a short "micro podcast" to test out posting one here to the blog.  As much as I really do not like to hear my own voice, I need to "get over it" so I can utilize the great tools available through Google Hangouts and YouTube for the foundation. I will be able to conduct live interviews, record podcasts and so much more. So, without further ado, here's my micro podcast:

So let me know how awful (or not so much) you think it is!

Until Next Time...



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